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50th Annual Paleopathology Association Meeting

  • 17 Apr 2023
  • 19 Apr 2023
  • Reno, Nevada


  • You must be a PPA member in good standing.
  • For those who are no longer students but have yet to secure a permanent position
  • For those who are no longer students but have yet to secure a permanent position
  • In-person attendance or hybrid, late
  • In-person attendance or hybrid, late

Hybrid Meeting Registration

The registration fee for the North American meeting includes: access to in-person and virtual podium sessions, virtual poster presentations, and the Association Business Meeting (and a boxed lunch for those attending the AGM in person). In-Person and virtual sessions will take place 18-19 April 2023..

Posters and talks will be recorded and also present for some time after the meeting to registered attendees.

Late Registration fees apply after 12:00 am EST, 15th March 2023.

Additional Events

Mentoring Event: Our mentoring event promises to be fun for both Mentors and Mentees, and will be a wonderful way to network and meet new members of the organization! The event will incur no additional expense for hybrid participation. Let us know if you'd like to participate, and if you'd prefer to try for an in-person or virtual meet-up. 

 The PPA is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization
For information or queries, please contact our Communications and Publicity Liaison

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